Glow Up: The Crypto Edition

Glow Up: The Crypto Edition

I remember when I first heard about cryptocurrencies back in 2012 because it was the main focus of one of the episodes of “The Good Wife” (highly recommended btw!). Back then, I definitely didn’t think that it had any future and it will probably fade away. I am sure others have felt the same way at some point, but then crypto crept up on us and made it known that it’s here to stay.  

Crypto in business

From gaining credibility to taking over the business world, cryptocurrencies have inserted themselves into every possible business. Even though, crypto is unstable at a lot of times, many businesses are still pouncing on the chance to include it in their business. There are several reasons for that mainly to attract a new demographic. And the younger generation seems to favour innovation over traditions, even when it comes to payment.

Another way crypto helps your business is that it opens the vault for you! This means access to more money, more liquidity, and more assets. And of course, as we all know by now, crypto means transparency. So, let’s say there’ll be no more secrecy when it comes to revenue-sharing; everyone will know how much you’ve earned!

Businesses also seem to favor crypto because we can’t seem to escape the inflation nightmare. Such circumstances make crypto much more appealing because its value doesn’t decline with inflation. Which is why it’s known as a counter-inflationary asset, FIY!

So far, many companies have hopped on the crypto wave and are accepting it as payment. From Microsoft to PayPal, Pizza Hut, Etsy, Bloomberg, and more. So many businesses could benefit from the blockchain as well; charities, for example. The blockchain would allow any donor to track their donation. They would know where their money went, how was it used, and ensure that it ends up where it’s supposed to be. Blockchain can provide accountability and transparency to address the frequent complaints about charitable donations.

While Crypto has been doing rounds among different businesses, it still has low acceptance rate among the general population. Some countries have started to open up its doors for crypto as it is a critical part of the evolution of finance. Others have not.

But as we’ve seen, crypto has gone from being a niche topic on TV shows to becoming a major player in the business world. Whether it’s giving companies access to a whole new audience or acting as a shield against inflation, cryptocurrencies are proving they’re not just a passing trend. More businesses are jumping on board, and even though it’s still not everyone’s cup of tea, it’s clear that crypto is here to stay. Who knows? In a few years, it might be as common as pulling out your debit card. The crypto glow-up is real, and it’s only just beginning!